2016-10-14 interieur kortrijk-24.jpg

made/found bar - interieur bienalle 2016

Made/Found Bar - Kortrijk, Belgium - 2016 | We were awarded one of five best bar designs for the Biennale Interieur in Kortrijk, Belgium in 2016. Along with the other winners, the bar was built and presented to the guests of the Biennale. The concept was organized around the simple directive of Made vs. Found. A grid of objects. Half found, and half made. Positioned on a raised platform, 9 objects sat on a grid of steel brackets. Using the forest as a medium, the grid of objects was a mixture of found tree stumps and made digital wood stumps. Exposing the dichotomy between objects sourced directly from nature and those undergoing a process of man or machinic manipulation, the space invited visitors to explore these two realms.